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Section 8 Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if there are problems found during the inspection?

A letter will be sent to you and the landlord with a list of any issues that need to be addressed and what work needs to be done in order to have the unit meet the HQS requirements. The landlord will have 30 (thirty) days to complete these repairs and notify the Housing Authority to schedule a re-inspection

What happens after the rent amount is approved?

An initial HQS (Housing Quality Standards) inspection will be scheduled. This inspection is to verify that there are no safety threats or any deficiencies to the property that could present a risk to anyone’s health or safety.

I have found a unit that I would like to rent. Now what do I do?

The landlord must sign and provide the requested information that is in the folder that you received at your eligibility interview. If the landlord has any questions, they can contact the Housing Authority for assistance. This paperwork must be returned to the Housing Authority office where it will be determined if the unit is eligible based on the rent amount and your income.

Do I sign a lease with the Housing Authority?

No, the Housing Authority has a contract and addendum that is signed by both parties and is attached to your lease that you sign with the landlord. You must adhere to all policies and rules set forth in your lease agreement with your landlord.

What happens if I cannot find a unit to rent or I decide that I do not want to be in the program?

You must notify the Housing Authority if you no longer wish to use your voucher so that the next applicant on the waiting list can be contacted. If you fail to find a rental unit before your voucher expires and have not applied for, or have been denied an extension, then your voucher will be invalid and you will be removed from the waiting list. You will have to re-apply if you wish to enter the program again at a later date.

Can I look for a rental outside of Greene County?

If you have verification that you have been a resident of Greene County for a minimum of one (1) year prior to the date of issue of your voucher, it is possible to port your voucher to another county or state. This is dependent on the other Housing Authority’s payment standard and how it compares to Greene County

Can I get an extension on my voucher?

If you are having trouble finding a rental unit after 60 days, you can request to have your voucher extended. Each request will be looked at on a case-by-case basis. The best way to help your chances of having your voucher extended is by keeping a list of landlords that you have contacted so that the Housing Authority can verify that you are actively seeking housing options.

What happens if I find a rental, but it is determined that the rent amount is too high for my income?

You can ask the landlord to lower the rent rate in order to fit into the 30-40% range of your income. If they do not wish to do that, then you will not be able to use your voucher at that property and will have to continue to look elsewhere for housing options.

What is the maximum rent amount that I can look for?

In order to have a rental unit approved, your rent amount has to be between 30-40% of your gross income less expenses and utility allowances. There is a complex formula used to calculate this amount which is dependent on the utilities included in the rent, location of the property, payment standard, size of your voucher, etc. Therefore, there is no accurate way to pre-determine a rental amount that will be approved. Once you have found a location, a calculation will be made to determine if it is eligible within your income.

Can I rent a unit that has less bedrooms then what is on my voucher?

Possibly, depending on the size of the unit and your household composition. Your utility allowance would be calculated based on the number of bedrooms of the unit.

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